Pump from Sugarcane

MITANI is developing eco-friendly products using ”Green Polyethylene,” a plant-based plastic made from sugarcane.

Start with Mitani

Sustainable by Mitani Valve
First of all, we thought about what we can do for sustainable social activities. With that in mind, we chose the materials which are not only environmentally friendly (i.e. follow the 4Rs like Reuse, Recycle, Reduce and Reject), but is also good for human health. We want to maintain the current quality and functionality of our products as we start producing sustainable products that contribute to society.


GREEN POLYETHYLENE is a plant-derived resin that is mainly used as a raw material for plastic bags and plastic containers. Sugarcane, the main raw material for GREEN PE, absorbs CO2 at the growth stage. The carbon dioxide emissions from incineration can be considered zero (neutral carbon).


Compared to conventional petroleum-based polyethylene, it consumes less energy in the manufacturing process. Furthermore, it uses electricity from incinerating the shavings (bagasse) after refining sugar from sugar cane. Therefore, more CO2 is reduced. Greenhouse gases are reduced and the material can be recycled in the same way as conventional polyethylene.

Development of MITANI Z-1000-C

We have developed a new Z-1000-C exterior product made of GREEN POLYETHYLENE.

Each Mitani pump weighs 11.4g, of which 5.9g (55%) is made of plant-based plastic.

We are preparing a new design for our Z-1000 series with this GREEN POLYETHYLENE.
Please look forward to the creativity and ideas of Mitani.

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